Thursday, February 9, 2012

Omron Digital Pocket Pedometer! Tracking Your Steps Helps You Lose Weight and Keep it Off!

People who aim to take 10,000 steps a day burn more calories, lose weight and keep it off! Sometimes you may think you're walking a lot, but when you start adding it all up you'd be surprised! When you track your steps you begin to see ways to reach that daily goal. Let's say you usually drive up to your office, or the store, or wherever you're going, and you park as close to the entrance as you can, then maybe take the elevator. Sure, it's easier, but what if you park farther away, walking to your destination? What if you take the stairs? You could add on hundreds of steps---taking you closer to that daily goal, and closer to losing and keeping off extra pounds!
The small investment of an Omron Digital Pocket Pedometer will keep you motivated and on track. You'll even find yourself thinking of new ways to add on steps! You'll begin to challenge yourself, get healthier, thinner and moving more is good for your heart, helps reduce high cholesterol, strengthens muscles, reduces stress and produces feel good endorphins. And the great thing about walking is it requires no special skills, just a good pair of shoes, and the desire to start living a healthier, happier life!

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