Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Start Today! - - -8 Simple Tips For A Stronger, Healthier, Sexier You!

Cut down/out the sugar to no more than 15 grams a day.
Drink lots of water/teas (green, black, herbal.) 
Stay away from artificial sweeteners, fast foods, big portions. 
Make sure you have some healthy snacks  (fresh fruit when you’re craving sweets -- an apple with some peanut butter, an orange with a little piece of dark chocolate. Keep a little baggie of nuts with you when you’re on the go.)
COLOR!  Eat colorful veggies.  Have something green, red, yellow, orange, mix it up at every meal. Make sure you’re eating plenty of lean protein, about 4 -6 ounces per meal, and healthy whole grains carbs (whole wheat bread, whole grain pastas, etc.)
DO NOT sit and eat  mindlessly while watching TV.  Unless it’s baby carrots and celery sticks and DO NOT eat after dinner, unless it’s baby carrots and celery!)
MOVE!   At least 5 days a week do SOMETHING for 45 minutes minimum (you can  string together 10 mins here, 15 mins there, it all adds up and counts.) Push Yourself! Break a sweat - - don’t get complacent!  Challenge yourself, take a class, do a DVD, workout with a friend...check out my Green Routine Workout!  You can do it anywhere!
Weigh yourself  today.  Many of us don’t want to see the number on the scale, but we need the reality check and a starting point. Weigh yourself once a week. Keep track and reward yourself with a treat when you’ve lost a few pounds. (Not food! How about manicure, a neck massage, or a movie.)
BREATH and relax!  Try to take a break at least once during the day, close your  
eyes and visualize your path....healthier, fitter, thinner, sexier, feeling good about yourself and life. Positive thoughts promote positive actions!
I’d love to hear from you and answer any questions and offer support!
Make it a HEALTHY Week!
Laura McDonald